Sunday 26 April 2009

Israel Matzav: 'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.Now that he's no longer running for President (or is he?) Mike Huckabee seems to get it (Hat Tip: Hot Air).

Mike Huckabee stakes out a position well to the right of both parties in an interview with an evangelical magazine:

WORLD: What about Israel and the Palestinians? Any hope there?

HUCKABEE: I've been to Israel 10 times; I've also been to virtually every other country in the area. This may put me in such a small minority, but I think this two-state solution is nonsense. If we're trying to get these two warring factions to occupy the same piece of real estate with two political entities layering over each other, that's absurd. We wouldn't tolerate it and they're not going to tolerate it. We shouldn't try to prolong the sense of that happening. [Israelis] not only have a right to existence, which is a fundamental agreement dating back to the early 1900s in the Balfour Declaration, but a right to a secure homeland. The tiny sliver of real estate they occupy, surrounded by people who are hostile to them, is really a very vulnerable place for them. Hoping for this two-state solution is simply not practical.
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Israel Matzav: 'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

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