Friday 19 March 2010

Israel Matzav: The 'quartet's outrageous joint statement

The 'quartet's outrageous joint statement

The 'quartet' has issued a joint statement on the 'proximity talks' (Hat Tip: Memeorandum). Within minutes of its release, the statement was being dismissed by many here in Israel as 'outrageous.'

The proximity talks are an important step toward the resumption, without pre-conditions, of direct bilateral negotiations that resolve all final status issues as previously agreed by the parties. The Quartet believes these negotiations should lead to a settlement, negotiated between the parties within 24 months, that ends the occupation which began in 1967 and results in the emergence of an independent, democratic, and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbors. The Quartet reiterates that Arab-Israeli peace and the establishment of a peaceful state of Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza is in the fundamental interests of the parties, of all the states in the region, and of the international community. In this regard, the Quartet calls on all states to support dialogue between the parties.

That's certainly a mouthful of pre-conditions for talks that were supposed to be undertaken 'without preconditions.' I counted five broad pre-conditions. Why bother to talk when the result has already been pre-determined? But wait. It gets worse.

The Quartet reiterates its call on Israel and the Palestinians to act on the basis of international law and on their previous agreements and obligations – in particular adherence to the Roadmap, irrespective of reciprocity

Of course, Israel only accepted the 'road map' based on reciprocity. How can you have an agreement between two parties where one party is obligated to the agreement's terms and the other is not?And the first stage of the 'road map' - the one the 'quartet' is now calling on Israel to waive - is for the 'Palestinians' to dismantle terror organizations.

to promote an environment conducive to successful negotiations and re-affirms that unilateral actions taken by either party cannot prejudge the outcome of negotiations and will not be recognized by the international community.

So does that mean that 'Palestinians' cannot build anywhere in 'east' Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria? Of course not. Like every other requirement of the 'road map,' the only unilateral actions that are going to be scrutinized are Israel's.

The Quartet urges the government of Israel to freeze all settlement activity, including natural growth, to dismantle outposts erected since March 2001, and to refrain from demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem.

That's the all-inclusive list of 'unilateral actions.' 'Settlement activity' is solely activity undertaken by Israel and is an expandable definition to include whatever the 'quartet' wants it to include. How's that for drafting skills?

The Quartet also calls on both sides to observe calm and restraint and to refrain from provocative actions and inflammatory rhetoric especially in areas of cultural and religious sensitivity.

I'm almost surprised they didn't come right out and say no opening synagogues in the 'West Bank' and 'east' Jerusalem and no reminding the World that any site located in Judea and Samaria or 'east' Jerusalem has any Jewish connection.

Noting the significant progress on security achieved by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, the Quartet calls on the Palestinian Authority to continue to make every effort to improve law and order, to fight violent extremism and to end incitement. The Quartet emphasizes the need to assist the Palestinian Authority in building its law enforcement capacity.

In other words, keep giving the 'Palestinians' Dayton-trained 'police' who can be used as an army when the right time comes. But they ignore things like the decision to name a square in Ramallah after mass murderer Dalal al-Mughrabi and the daily Jew-hatred that's shown to 'Palestinian' children on 'Palestinian' television.

Recalling that the annexation of East Jerusalem is not recognized by the international community, the Quartet underscores that the status of Jerusalem is a permanent status issue that must be resolved through negotiations between the parties and condemns the decision by the government of Israel to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem. The Quartet re-affirms its intention to closely monitor developments in Jerusalem and to keep under consideration additional steps that may be required to address the situation on the ground. The Quartet recognizes the parties can mutually agree on an outcome that realizes the aspirations of both parties for Jerusalem, and safeguards its status for people around the world.

But the 'Palestinians' planning and building new housing units in Jerusalem doesn't contradict the city's standing as a permanent status issue, because, after all, we all know that the foreordained outcome of the 'negotiations' will be to redivide Jerusalem anyway.

Recalling that transformative change on the ground is integral to peace, the Quartet continues to support the Palestinian Authority ‘s plan of August 2009 for building the Palestinian state within 24 months as a demonstration of Palestinians’ serious commitment to an independent state that provides good governance, opportunity, justice, and security for the Palestinian people from the first day that it is established and is a responsible neighbor to all states in the region.

The 'Palestinians' commitment to declaring a 'state' in 24 months (which is already six months into effect) regardless of whether they are ready for it shows a serious commitment to... what?

I skipped a little bit here.

The Quartet further calls on all states in the region and in the wider international community to match the Palestinian commitment to state-building by contributing immediate, concrete, and sustained support for the Palestinian Authority and, in the regard, looks forward to the upcoming meeting of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) to coordinate international support for the Palestinian state building effort.

They've committed to making a 'state' so GIVE THEM MONEY. Swiss bank account numbers available on request.

The Quartet is deeply concerned by the continuing deterioration in Gaza, including the humanitarian and human rights situation of the civilian population, and stresses the urgency of a durable resolution to the Gaza crisis. The Quartet calls for a solution that addresses Israel’s legitimate security concerns, including an end to weapons smuggling into Gaza; promotes Palestinian unity based on the PLO commitments and the re-unification of Gaza and the West Bank under the legitimate Palestinian Authority; and ensures the opening of the crossings to allow for the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods, and persons to and from Gaza, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1860.

There is no 'humanitarian' situation in Gaza - Gaza gets more aid than Haiti. The 'human rights' situation in Gaza is entirely Hamas' fault. And the call for 'Palestinian unity' (which means between Fatah and Hamas) is truly outrageous.

I skipped a little more.

The Quartet reiterates its call for the immediate release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

But of course not his 'immediate and unconditional' release.

Read the whole thing.

Could it have been more one-sided? What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: The 'quartet's outrageous joint statement

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