Friday 19 March 2010

Israel Matzav: The one man who still thinks Barack Obama is too pro-Israel

The one man who still thinks Barack Obama is too pro-Israel

Yes, there's still one man out there who believes that Barack Obama's policies are too pro-Israel (Hat Tip: Allahpundit via Twitter).

"There's no doubt that in general the United States government has been much more attuned to the sensitivities of the Israelis and has yielded excessively to the circumstances in the Holy Land as Israel has confiscated several lands within Palestine,"


"I hope that in the future we'll see the United States taking a much more balanced position and doing everything possible to implement a two-state solution" that establishes an independent Palestinian state based on 1967 borders.


He criticized the Jewish nation's blockade of the Gaza Strip on Thursday and encouraged Israel to halt new construction of settlements in Palestinian territories.

Still, he said, the Middle East peace process is "not a hopeless cause" and said that brokering a deal has been his top priority since he lost re-election in 1980.

"I think with a strong and determined commitment to the two-state solution ... that peace is still on the table. But it's going to require a dramatic change in the policy of the present government of Israel," he said.

Here's looking forward to Barack Obama making similarly outrageous statements as an ex-President. The sooner the better.

Israel Matzav: The one man who still thinks Barack Obama is too pro-Israel

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