Friday 19 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Krauthammer on Obama's one-sidedness

Krauthammer on Obama's one-sidedness

Charles Krauthemmer on Joe Biden's 'humiliation' and President Obumbler's one-sided reaction.

So why this astonishing one-sidedness? Because Obama likes appeasing enemies while beating up on allies -- therefore Israel shouldn't take it personally (according to Robert Kagan)? Because Obama wants to bring down the current Israeli coalition government (according to Jeffrey Goldberg)?

Or is it because Obama fancies himself the historic redeemer whose irresistible charisma will heal the breach between Christianity and Islam or, if you will, between the post-imperial West and the Muslim world -- and has little patience for this pesky Jewish state that brazenly insists on its right to exist, and even more brazenly on permitting Jews to live in its ancient, historical and now present capital?

Who knows? Perhaps we should ask those Obama acolytes who assured the 63 percent of Americans who support Israel -- at least 97 percent of those supporters, mind you, are non-Jews -- about candidate Obama's abiding commitment to Israel.

Obama has an abiding commitment to Israel: To Israel's destruction that is.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Krauthammer on Obama's one-sidedness

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