Sunday 17 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Shiites and Sunnis put aside centuries of hatred in hope to murder Jews

Shiites and Sunnis put aside centuries of hatred in hope to murder Jews

Iran's two clients, Hassan Nasrallah and his murderous Shiites of Hezbullah, and Khaled Meshaal and his murderous Sunnis of Hamas, put aside their centuries-old religious differences on Friday to meet in Beirut and cooperate in murdering Jews, according to a report on Hezbullah's al-Manar television network. But it was much more than a meeting.

"I promise you, as I have always promised you: In any coming confrontation, we will foil the aggressions' objectives, defeat the enemy, achieve a great historical victory, and change the face of the region," said Nasrallah in a speech via video link before the Arab International Forum for Supporting the Resistance at the UNESCO Palace in Beirut.

"The future of this region is the resistance, dignity, and freedom," Nasrallah told an audience that included representatives from Iran, Syria and other countries, as well as Hamas' Syria-based Supremo Khaled Meshaal.

"And inshallah (God willing), Israel, the occupation, hegemony and arrogance are in the process of disappearing."

"Lebanon has abandoned the myth saying 'Lebanon's strength is in its weakness' to adopt the truth saying 'Lebanon's strength is in the solidarity of its army, people, and resistance.'"


"Israel is living today a real dilemma: The dilemma of leadership and command, the dilemma of the invincible army which was defeated on the hands of the resistance fighters, and the dilemma of trusting the future," added Nasrallah.

Hizbullah number one said that Israel is trying to cover up its "dilemmas" through daily threats "which scare only advocates of defeat and cowards."

Someone ought to tell Nasrallah that Ehud Olmert is no longer Prime Minister and Amir Comrade Peretz is no longer 'defense minister.'

By the way, while he was there, Hamas chieftain Meshaal met with Lebanese Prime Minister Sa'ad Hariri, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman and Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri. File that one away for when Suleiman starts crying when Lebanon gets its infrastructure bombed back to the 8th century in the next war.

Israel Matzav: Shiites and Sunnis put aside centuries of hatred in hope to murder Jews

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