Sunday 17 January 2010

Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinians' get it, the Israelis get it, why don't the Americans?

The 'Palestinians' get it, the Israelis get it, why don't the Americans?

There was an interesting little item in the pan-Arabic daily al-Hayat on Friday.

The al-Hayat newspaper quoted an unnamed Palestinian Authority official this weekend as saying that the American administration is realizing that it cannot force peace negotiations on the Jewish and Arab peoples of the Middle East. The official was quoted as saying that Washington was being unreasonably tough on both sides in search of a solution which would enable negotiations to resume.

The Obama administration has failed on every foreign policy front. They believe that the place where they can reverse that failure is the 'Middle East peace process.' After all, 'everyone knows' what the solution is.

They are so wrong, it's pathetic. I'm glad that the 'Palestinians' are willing to take the fall for killing the 'negotiations' that neither side wants. No, we don't want them either. And our votes in the election last March made that very clear. We don't trust the 'Palestinians.' As long as they leave us alone, we are content with the status quo. Let Obama find his 'success' someplace else.

Israel Matzav: The 'Palestinians' get it, the Israelis get it, why don't the Americans?

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