Sunday 17 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Amid the ruins in Haiti, a sanctification of God's name

Amid the ruins in Haiti, a sanctification of God's name

From a report on the Jerusalem Post website on the rescue efforts in Haiti:

A ZAKA delegation in Haiti was dispatched on Saturday to a collapsed 8-story university building where cries were heard from trapped students.

After hours working with rescue equipment provided by the Mexican military, the ZAKA volunteers succeeded in pulling eight students alive from the rubble during a 38-hour rescue operation.

The ZAKA delegation took time to recite Shabbat prayers. Many locals sat quietly in the rubble, staring at the men as they prayed, facing Jerusalem.

At the end of the prayers, they crowded around the delegation and kissed the prayer shawls.

Worth more than all the 'hasbara' in the World. Awesome.

Israel Matzav: Amid the ruins in Haiti, a sanctification of God's name

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