Monday 12 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama universalizes the Holocaust

Obama universalizes the Holocaust

You just knew this was coming. President Obama's Holocaust Day declaration.

United States President Barack Obama published a declaration on Sunday for Holocaust Remembrance Day in which he said the memory of the those who suffered at the hands of the Nazis must be honored.

The declaration added, "The Holocaust calls on all people to renew their commitment to prevent genocide, and confront antisemitism and all forms of prejudice."

What does "and all forms of prejudice" have to do with it? The only ethnic group other than the Jews that was targeted was the gypsies. No one was targeted to the extent that the Jews were. The Nazis - may their name be obliterated - were obsessed with the Jews. Were it not for their obsession with murdering Jews, they might have won the war. How can anyone say that the Holocaust is about anything or anyone other than Jews and anti-Semitism? Why does President Oschmucka insist on universalizing anything that has to do with Jews?

Israel Matzav: Obama universalizes the Holocaust

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