Monday 12 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Obama: Al-Qaeda is seeking a nuke - and they will use it (and Iran won't?)

Obama: Al-Qaeda is seeking a nuke - and they will use it (and Iran won't?)

Speaking about his nuclear conference that opens on Monday in Washington, President Obama expressed fear that al-Qaeda is seeking a nuclear weapon and that they will use it.

On the eve of his Nuclear Security Summit, President Obama issued a dire warning: terrorist groups are trying to obtain nuclear weapons -- and they will use it.

“We know that organizations like al Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure a nuclear weapon -- a weapon of mass destruction that they have no compunction at using," the president said.

That's true. But why is the President so convinced that Iran won't use one (or give al-Qaeda one to use)? Why is he so convinced that 'containment' of Iran would work? What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Obama: Al-Qaeda is seeking a nuke - and they will use it (and Iran won't?)

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