Wednesday 7 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu falling into honey trap?

Netanyahu falling into honey trap?

Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on Tuesday that he has decided to accept President Obama's invitation to attend a nuclear summit in Washington next week. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a real fear that Netanyahu is falling into a honey trap set by Obama, and that the summit's topic is not what Netanyahu thinks it is going to be.

Amid concerns that the trip would increase pressure on Israel to open its nuclear facilities to international inspectors, the Prime Minister’s Office stressed that the summit would focus on preventing the spread of nuclear know-how to terrorist elements, and not on the nuclear capabilities of specific countries.

It's been two weeks since Obama left Netanyahu alone in the White House to go have dinner with his wife and children. Two weeks since Obama held a meeting with Bibi at which no photographers were present and Bibi had to arrive and leave like a bandit in the night. Three weeks since Obama had Hillary Clinton call Bibi and dress him down for 45 minutes because a clerk announced that 1,600 housing units received their third of seven required approvals while Joe Biden was in Israel.

Is Bibi a glutton for punishment? What does he think is going to be discussed there if not trying to gain commitments from all attendees to give up their nuclear arsenals? Does he really believe that if he says we don't have one, Obama will sit silently by? Or did Obama promise him that if he shows up, Obama won't give away all the details of what we do have?

What could go wrong? (Any day when I'm ending this many posts with that question is not a good one).

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu falling into honey trap?

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