Tuesday 9 March 2010

Love of the Land: The extortion process

The extortion process

Soccer Dad
09 March '10

A few months ago Barry Rubin wrote:

Of course it is all political but this is a step toward delegitimization. The Arabic-speaking, Muslim-majority, and left-wing governments that supported the resolution see this as a step not toward a compromise peace but an elimination of Israel altogether.

I am not saying that this is going to happen, or that the resolution will have any actual negative impact on Israel itself. Yet what is most important is that having tasted blood, these forces will not be interested in getting less. Why should they--including the Palestinian Authority--settle for a stable two-state solution when they believe they can get far more without giving up anything?

Now here's "moderate" Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erekat:

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Love of the Land: The extortion process

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