Tuesday 9 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Democratic candidate in Fla. afraid to defend Obama's Middle East policies

Democratic candidate in Fla. afraid to defend Obama's Middle East policies

I got this press release during the night from the the campaign of Ed Lynch for Congress in the 19th district in Florida.




Ted Deutch- Running Scared, Afraid To Defend His Support Of Obama's Reckless Israel Policy

West Palm Beach FL, March 8, 2010-- Not long ago, Senator Ted Deutch proudly declared that he would be a "loyal supporter of President Barack Obama's domestic efforts as well as his international efforts on Iran and Afghanistan." But given the opportunity to defend those international efforts on Iran and its implications for Israel, Senator Deutch seems to have lost the courage of his convictions. With Israel's national security directly threatened by an Iranian regime that proudly broadcasts to the world that it is now a nuclear power, it is a very troubling development when a candidate for Congress cannot even summon the minimum amount of courage to display leadership on matters that can affect the lives of millions.

The fact of the matter is that by embracing President Obama's policy towards Iran, Senator Deutch also embraces President Obama's policy towards Israel- a policy which has effectively scuttled our historic strategic alliance with Israel and marginalized our ally in an attempt to curry favor with oppressive Arab states, some of which still support terrorism. While President Obama offers his rhetoric to the contrary, the fact remains that not only is President Obama content to allow Iran to acquire nuclear arms, he goes to great lengths dictate to Israel, our historic ally, as to what their domestic policies should be, while only giving lip service to the Iran, Syria, and the Palestinians regarding their obligation to reject terrorism. It was the naïveté of President Obama who foolishly believed that engagement with the current Iranian without preconditions would lead to better relations with Iran. President Obama's moral equivalence has led him to the conclusion that Israel, our longstanding democratic ally, deserves no more deference than do the oppressive, terror sponsoring regimes throughout the Middle East.

Regardless of Senator Deutch's lack of leadership on this issue, the fact remains that Israel is confronted with a very real danger from the current Iranian regime which desires nothing less than its destruction. President Obama continues to make conciliatory gestures to the Iranians even as its leadership and its mullahs continue developing nuclear weapons, sponsoring terrorism, and oppressing freedom-seeking Iranians. If Senator Deutch can't summon the courage to speak at a public forum to discuss the imminent threat that now confronts Israel and explain why the Obama Administration's policy towards Israel is misinformed and reckless- how can anyone expect Senator Deutch to display the necessary leadership in Congress to stand on principle and stand with Israel, rather than vouch for a naïve American President whose policies are jeopardizing Israel's national security?

You can find Lynch's answers to my questions here.

I urge any of you who have the right to vote in Florida's 19th district to overcome your instinct to vote Democrat and pull the lever for Republican Ed Lynch on April 13.

Israel Matzav: Democratic candidate in Fla. afraid to defend Obama's Middle East policies

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