Friday 26 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Petraeus clears the record so Gates attacks Israel

Petraeus clears the record so Gates attacks Israel

On Wednesday, US Centcom commander David Petraeus set the record straight on comments he allegedly made about Israel and about how the Israeli - Arab conflict affects US interests overseas. Petraeus said that he was misquoted and neutralized any assertion that American troops were in jeopardy because of Israel.

In a move that has to make you wonder whether the White House is orchestrating a 'blame Israel' crusade (I believe they are), Defense Secretary Robert Gates - who took the military option against Iran off the table nearly a year ago - came right back and criticized Israel again, claiming that Israeli - 'Palestinian' tensions are jeopardizing US national security interests in the region.

Israeli-Palestinian tensions are affecting US national security interests in the region, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday.

"The lack of progress toward Middle East peace is clearly an issue that's exploited by our adversaries in the region" and "does affect US national security interests in the region," Gates was cited by AFP as saying.

Gates spoke at a news conference amid US discontent with Israel over its announced plans to build new homes for Jews in east Jerusalem, which Washington says hurts Mideast peace efforts.

This is all being orchestrated by the White House to keep the pressure on Netanyahu. Trust me.

Israel Matzav: Petraeus clears the record so Gates attacks Israel

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