Friday 26 March 2010

Israel Matzav: Ex-CIA agent in Revolutionary Guard says West misreads Iran

Ex-CIA agent in Revolutionary Guard says West misreads Iran

'Reza Khalili' was a CIA double agent who penetrated Iran's Revolutionary Guards. 'Khalili' first reported to his CIA handlers in the 1980's that Iran was developing nuclear weapons. He has no doubt that Iran is continuing to develop nuclear weapons today. 'Khalili' says that the West misreads what's behind Iran's apocalyptic ideology. He implies that we underestimate Iran's willingness to use nuclear weapons to upset the World order. Here's what he says we should do:

We can’t allow Khamenei’s statements to deceive us. Whether it is haram or not, Iran is almost certainly developing nuclear weapons, and an Islamic Republic of Iran with atomic bombs would strongly destabilize the world.

The choices are clear: We can either rise up to our principles and defend the aspirations of the Iranian people for a free and democratic government, or we can continue with our vacillation and indecision, allowing Iran to become a nuclear-armed state.

Instead of counting on watered-down United Nations sanctions, the West should cut off all diplomatic ties with Iran, close down all airspace and seaports going to or from Iran, sanction all companies doing business with Iran, and cut off its gasoline supply. We should then demand an immediate halt to all Iranian nuclear and missile delivery activities and the right to peaceful demonstration and freedom of speech for all Iranians. And if that fails, a military action should be in the cards.

He's right of course. But the odds of anyone attacking Iran these days - with the possible exception of Israel - are not good. The United States is led by a man whose middle name is Hussein who is in the process of degrading the United States' military capabilities, destroying its alliances and denying its exceptionalism.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Ex-CIA agent in Revolutionary Guard says West misreads Iran

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