Wednesday 3 March 2010

Israel Matzav: English language media ignores Dubai police chief's racism

English language media ignores Dubai police chief's racism

Earlier, I reported that 'Israelis,' including dual nationals holding passports of other countries, have been banned from Dubai. In that post, I alluded to the fact that Inspector Tamim's references to 'physical features' had to relate to Jews and not just to Israelis.

Elder of Ziyon reports that Tamim's comments in the Arabic original are actually much more explicitly anti-Semitic, and that - surprise - the English language media is ignoring them.

Earlier today I reported that the Arabic-language Al Khaleej (The Gulf) newspaper quoted the head of the Dubai police as ranting about how "Israelis" have been hated since the time of Pharaoh, how "Israelis" have had mental problems for thousands of years and how UAE authorities will now start looking for Jewish facial features and names to stop them from entering the UAE.

Every single English-language news outlet has been reporting his comments as saying that he was slamming "Israelis," not Jews, and some saying that he would be looking for "Israeli" facial features, not Jewish ones.

Elder believes that the media cannot believe that anti-Semitism is a regular feature of the Arab world. I disagree. The media knows darned well that anti-Semitism is rampant, prevalent and acceptable in the Arab world. They just don't want the public to know it.

Israel Matzav: English language media ignores Dubai police chief's racism

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