Wednesday 3 March 2010

Israel Matzav: CJP of Greater Boston taking 'Judaism is Liberalism' to new extremes, donating money to Soros groups

CJP of Greater Boston taking 'Judaism is Liberalism' to new extremes, donating money to Soros groups

Growing up in Boston, CJP was THE Jewish Federation. In recent years, until 2008, the economy was good to the Boston area, and CJP apparently built up quite a sum of cash. In fact, CJP built up so much cash that it has taken the Judaism is Liberalism equation to a new extreme: CJP has been donating Jewish federation money to liberal organizations that - in many cases - have no connection to Judaism and do not support Israel. Or worse. Hillel Stavis explains.

We thought you might be interested to see just who receives the CJP's largess, ostensibly in keeping with that organization's strong support for Israel. For the latest reporting period, here are some of those recipients:

  • The American Friends Service Committee
  • Democracy Now!
  • The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  • The Tides Foundation
  • Media Matters
  • The New Israel Fund
  • Brit Tzedek v'Shalom
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility
  • The Workmen's Circle
  • Amnesty International

Many of these organizations have been highly critical of Israel - to say the least - some even have questioned Israel's right to exist as a Jewish State. To be fair, the CJP has also awarded grants to groups like Steven Emerson's The Investigative Project and even the David Horowitz Freedom Center. And yet, contributions to organizations like Media Matters and The Tides Foundation, whose financial clout and animus towards Israel are well known, should raise some significant eyebrows for an organization that is so self-avowedly "Pro Israel". Through George Soros' affiliated non-profits like, The Open Society Institute, The Center for American Progress and through his associate, Peter Lewis, Media Matters has plenty of money to spend bashing Israel.

Israel Matzav: CJP of Greater Boston taking 'Judaism is Liberalism' to new extremes, donating money to Soros groups

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