Wednesday 24 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Unbelievable: Defense Minister lets Hamas deposit nearly NIS 300 million in Bank of Israel

Unbelievable: Defense Minister lets Hamas deposit nearly NIS 300 million in Bank of Israel

Defense Minister Ehud Barak has signed a document allowing Hamas in Gaza to deposit approximately NIS 282.5 million ($75 million) in the Bank of Israel. The reason for the deposit is that Hamas smugglers don't accept Shekels so Hamas needs a way to convert them into other currencies.

The humanitarian gesture intended to allow continuing commercial and banking activity in the Hamas-controlled area follows Hamas's request that Israel exchange shekels for other currencies because smugglers running the tunnels from Gaza into Egypt are not accepting the Israeli currency.

Interviewed on Arutz Sheva's Hebrew journal, Chairman David Rotem of the Knesset Law Committee called the process dangerous and serious, noting that the money will be used to buy weapons for use against Israel. He added that under Hamas, "all they think about is how to harm us. We continue to make one-sided gestures again and again. If they want gestures, they should returne [abducted soldier] Gilad Shalit home."

The Yisrael Beiteinu lawmaker says Israel's involvement in the transfer of money from Fatah-controlled Judea and Samaria to Gaza is another mistake that will help purchase weapons for use against the Jewish state. He added that the considerations motivating the defense minister are political in his desire to return to the negotiating table but, in Rotem's words, "he is getting a knife in the back and a slap in the face" in exchange.

Indeed. What 'gesture' will Barak think of next?

Israel Matzav: Unbelievable: Defense Minister lets Hamas deposit nearly NIS 300 million in Bank of Israel

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