Wednesday 24 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Israel Ballet Company performance halted by protesters

Israel Ballet Company performance halted by protesters

Four 'protesters' broke away from a demonstration against the Israel Ballet Company outside the Flynn theater in Burlington, Vermont on Friday, burst into the theater and brought the show to a halt by protesting loudly in the aisles. The protest was led by Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, which is supported by the New Israel Fund.

According to an Israel Radio report, four demonstrators eventually forced their way into the theater, waving signs saying that anyone who watched the performance was "supporting Israel's apartheid policy."

Company director Dan Rudolf alerted the theater's security personnel, as well as the local police, who promptly arrived at the scene and escorted the demonstrators outside.

The show resumed after a short intermission.

Were any 'protesters' arrested? If not, why not?

Israel Matzav: Israel Ballet Company performance halted by protesters

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