Wednesday 24 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Ros-Lehtinen introduces House version of Iran Human Rights Sanctions Act

Ros-Lehtinen introduces House version of Iran Human Rights Sanctions Act

House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fl) has introduced a House version of the Iran Human Rights Sanctions Act. A Senate version of the bill has been introduced by Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), John Kyl (R-AZ), and Evan Bayh (D-IN). Ros-Lehtinen issued the following statement:

“Make no mistake: the Iranian people want to live in freedom. And as their passion for freedom deepens, the brutal tactics of their oppressors are becoming even more severe.

“This legislation puts America squarely on the side of the Iranian people and holds accountable their oppressors by requiring the President to impose sanctions on those carrying out gross human rights abuses against innocent Iranians.

“The ongoing atrocities being committed by the Iranian regime against its people must not stand.

“America’s heart is with the people of Iran. It is time for our actions to follow suit.”

Well, yes it does. The problem is that until the President decides which side he's on in Iran, none of these sanctions is likely to be implemented.

Ros-Lehtinen has also introduced H.R. 4649, which imposes financial sanctions and a visa ban on persons complicit in human rights abuses against the citizens of Iran.

Israel Matzav: Ros-Lehtinen introduces House version of Iran Human Rights Sanctions Act

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