Wednesday 24 February 2010

Israel Matzav: Iran's foreign minister on the new IAEA report

Iran's foreign minister on the new IAEA report

Michael Rubin reports on the reaction of Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki to the new IAEA report on Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons (Hat Tip: Martin Kramer via Twitter).

Foreign Minister Mottaki: “Mr. [Yukiya] Amanu’s [IAEA] report shoes that he is relatively new in his job. It takes some time until he reaches the maturity of Mr. El Baradei.” (Link and more at the Iran Tracker.)

That’s a bit like Hitler complaining that Churchill doesn't have the maturity of Chamberlain. Congratulations to the IAEA for putting mission first, and leaving politics to the politicians.


Israel Matzav: Iran's foreign minister on the new IAEA report

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