Sunday 31 January 2010

The Torah Revolution: My two state solution

My two state solution


Maybe Palestinists will accept Jordan as the Arab Palestinian State and Israel as the Jewish Palestinian State, in as much as both of these present-day countries are carved out from the original Mandate Palestine the British received from the League of Nations to establish a homeland for the Jews. The British applied their anti-Jewish bias and gave away 78% of the Jewish Land to the Arabs, so let that be the final giveaway.

Judea and Samaria, the historical heartland of the Jews described in the Bible, occupied by Jordan until '67 and by Israel as from '67, should become the second Jewish Palestinian State, reserved for the religious, with Jerusalem its capital and Torah its Constitution.

As ALL of these Lands are considered Eretz Israel by Jewish Law, this proposal is still sufficiently anti-Jewish to be refused by so called Jewish extremists and deemed to be insufficient by them.

The Torah Revolution: My two state solution

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