Sunday 31 January 2010

Talabani on That War

Talabani on That War

Jalal Talabani is the President of Iraq. Today he's published a letter of appreciation to the British for participating in the freeing of his country. (In The Observer, the Guardian-sister paper that was in favor of the 2003 invasion). I'm posting simply to preserve the link. The possibility still exists that someday, a generation form now, Talabani's position will be self-evident and obvious. Then again, it may well not. Back in 2003 I thought it would take a decade to know; now I rather doubt that will be enough.

We suffered under Saddam Hussein in ways that too many in the international community seem to have forgotten. His regime was a republic of fear, which slaughtered Iraqis on an industrial scale and attacked our neighbours. We are fortunate he has gone and that we have a chance to rebuild our society.

Originally posted by Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

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