Thursday 14 January 2010

Love of the Land: Secular western tolerance for Muslim intolerance

Secular western tolerance for Muslim intolerance

Point of No Return
14 January '10

Secular liberals are quick to condemn any expression of 'Jewish bigotry', while ignoring the antisemitism rampant in the Arab press and media. They provide no contextual counterbalance, such as a discussion of the history of discrimination of Jews in Muslim Society, where Jews were treated no better than in Christendom, and often worse. This must-read piece by Matthew M Hausman comes as cold shower of realism to anybody who believes in the Golden Age myth of tolerance between Arabs and Jews. Via Israpundit:

Former Israeli Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef recently took a public flogging for allegedly describing Islam as “ugly,” specifically with respect to its laws concerning marriage and divorce. The liberal blogosphere had a field day, calling the Rabbi a bigot and labeling his comments hate speech. But the bloggers provided no contextual counterbalance, such as a critical discussion of the defamation of Jews and Judaism that occurs routinely in the Arab press or the historical discrimination of Jews in Muslim society. Nor do they ever. Although these folks cry themselves hoarse concerning their right to free speech whenever challenged for their demonstrably biased reporting on Israel – or for lambasting comments such as those by Rabbi Yosef – they are silent whenever the subject is Arab or Muslim incitement or intolerance. (...)

The mainstream media in the United States is quick to denounce any perceived affronts to Arab or Islamic culture, and just as quick to condemn any alleged expressions of Jewish or Israeli chauvinism. But the media is reluctant to criticize antisemitic expressions from Arab or Muslim sources, draw any connection between Islamism and terrorism, acknowledge the history of Arab expansion and colonialism, or discuss the supremacist implications of jihad – even as it openly plays out in Europe. Rather, liberal pundits often wax dreamily poetic when discussing the so-called “golden age of Islam” or the myth of Islamic tolerance. Moreover, they tend to rationalize any antisemitic or anti-Western expressions in the Arab world as reactions to Israeli intransigence or American colonialism.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Secular western tolerance for Muslim intolerance

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