Thursday 14 January 2010

Love of the Land: No easy riding for Gaza bikers

No easy riding for Gaza bikers

Djallal Malti (AFP)
12 January '10
HT to Solomania

GAZA CITY — When Munzer Diyya wants to get away from it all, he sits astride his motorcycle and takes to the open road -- all 45 kilometres of it. Diyya has the misfortune of being an open road enthusiast living in the Gaza Strip, a tiny territory sandwiched between Israel and Egypt and blockaded by both. (See AFP Discovers that Gaza has Two Borders)

So when he and his buddies gun their engines and head out on the highway, they are reduced to riding only the length of the impoverished and overcrowded Palestinian enclave -- a mere 45 kilometres (28 miles).

"I ride slowly to make it last longer," Diyya says. "When I ride my bike, I spread my wings. I feel like I'm flying."

The ability to spread one's wings is sorely needed but very hard to accomplish in sealed-off Gaza.

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Love of the Land: No easy riding for Gaza bikers

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