Thursday 21 January 2010

Love of the Land: Blockading the Truth: Getting the facts straight on the ‘Gaza Siege’

Blockading the Truth: Getting the facts straight on the ‘Gaza Siege’

Anav Silverman
Sderot Media Center (SMC)
20 January '10

The year 2009 brought about a fresh wave of anti-Israel rhetoric and accusations, most which cited Israel’s supposed siege on Gaza. The international press frequently cited calls by human rights groups to “end Israel’s illegal blockade” and “liberate Gaza.” Such messages have been conceived to undermine Israel and present a very misleading angle of the actual Gaza conflict.

In a typical blockade, no supplies would be allowed to enter into enemy territory, or any area of land where the controlling regime facilitates the terrorizing of a neighboring country’s citizens. Most English dictionaries define siege as an “act or process of surrounding and attacking a fortified place in such a way as to isolate it from help and supplies...”

Indeed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website has reported that in the year 2009 alone, Israel allowed for 703, 224 tons of humanitarian aid and 105,600,128 liters of fuel to be delivered into the Gaza Strip following Operation Cast Lead.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Blockading the Truth: Getting the facts straight on the ‘Gaza Siege’

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