Thursday 21 January 2010

Love of the Land: Abbas supports PA’s naming square after terrorist killer

Abbas supports PA’s naming square after terrorist killer

Itamar Marcus/Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW)
19 January '10

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has defended the PA's decision to name a square after a terrorist killer, comparing it to Israel's decision to name a road after an Israeli victim of terror.

Last week, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu protested to the US about the PA's continued incitement to hatred and violence. Israel's protest was prompted by Palestinian Media Watch's exposure of a birthday celebration sponsored by Abbas, and the naming of a square in Ramallah. Both were in honor of the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who was responsible for the deaths of 37 Israeli civilians when she and other terrorists hijacked a bus in 1978.

The PA Minister of Culture, Siham Barghouti, subsequently defended this terrorist glorification. Now Abbas himself has defended it, comparing the PA's naming of the square after Mughrabi to Israel's naming a road after Rehavam Zeevi, the Israeli cabinet minister who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Abbas refers to Mughrabi's bus hijacking and murder of 37 civilians as "military activities," and compares her to Zeevi, who was an officer in the Israeli army before entering politics.

(Read full bulletin)

Love of the Land: Abbas supports PA’s naming square after terrorist killer

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