Thursday 14 January 2010

Love of the Land: Al-Qaeda in the West Bank and Gaza: One Year after Cast Lead

Al-Qaeda in the West Bank and Gaza: One Year after Cast Lead

Matthew Levitt and Bruce Riedel
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
11 January '10

One year after the conclusion of Israel's Operation Cast Lead, Hamas remains firmly in control of the Gaza Strip and violently opposed to Israel's existence. But a source of potential trouble for both Israel and Hamas is the rise of al-Qaeda-inspired groups among Palestinians, which are targeting Israeli as well as Palestinian and Western interests. Despite their shared jihadist ideologies, the goals and mission of such groups are often at odds with Hamas, as demonstrated most visibly by the deadly battles between Hamas and Jund Ansar Allah in August 2009.

Who are these groups, and how are they connected to al-Qaeda, its affiliates, and the larger global jihadist movement? What is the nature of the threat they pose not only to Israel but to Hamas, the Palestinian Authority, and Western interests?

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To discuss this important question, Matthew Levitt and Bruce Riedel addressed a special Policy Forum at The Washington Institute on January 11, 2010. This event marked the release of Dr. Levitt's Washington Institute Policy Focus Salafi-Jihadi Groups in the Palestinian Arena, coauthored by Yoram Cohen with Becca Wasser.

Love of the Land: Al-Qaeda in the West Bank and Gaza: One Year after Cast Lead

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