Thursday 14 January 2010

Love of the Land: Abbas takes pride in rejecting US request

Abbas takes pride in rejecting US request

Itamar Marcus/Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW)
12 January '10

In recent speeches, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has called on Hamas to sign a reconciliation agreement with Fatah, and has boasted that he did not give in to American pressure. US had asked Abbas not to sign an agreement with Hamas.

Speaking of reconciliation with Hamas, Abbas insisted that the two factions agree on essential issues:

"There is no disagreement between us
[Fatah and Hamas]:
About belief? None!
About policy? None!
About [violent] resistance? None!"

Referring to US pressure to refrain from signing an agreement with Hamas, Abbas said that he had been subjected to "pressure" by the Americans, but that he had resisted that pressure and signed a preliminary agreement.

(Read full bulletin)

Love of the Land: Abbas takes pride in rejecting US request

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