Tuesday 19 January 2010

Israel Matzav: US doesn't want a wimp for an ally

US doesn't want a wimp for an ally

Former Israeli consul general for Houston, Texas, Yoram Ettinger, says Israel has to be defiant once in a while because the United States doesn't want a wimp for an ally.

Let's go to the videotape. The interview with Ettinger starts at 4:36.

He spoke with Arutz Sheva TV following reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu asked permission from the Obama government to build 700 housing units in Jerusalem. In the above video, Ettinger states that “respect to Israel is upgraded as a result of defiance,” as has been demonstrated in previous disputes between Jerusalem and Washington.

He also reiterated what he calls "the demographic lie” that claims that the demographic forecast of an Arab majority in Israel is a justified reason for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Ettinger is not exaggerating. Consider this. In late 2006, the United States cut off all technology transfers to Israel. The reason? The US was disappointed that Israel did not attack Syria during the Second Lebanon War and was disappointed with Israel's performance in that war generally.

When was Israel's star the brightest in American eyes? After the Six Day War, when Israel had pummeled all the Arab armies. It has been going downhill ever since because we have been weak and indecisive and therefore a less deserving ally.

No, the US does not want a wimp for an ally. When will we wake up and start behaving like a valuable ally?

Israel Matzav: US doesn't want a wimp for an ally

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