Tuesday 19 January 2010

Israel Matzav: But of course: 'Moderate' Fatah to murder land sellers

But of course: 'Moderate' Fatah to murder land sellers

But of course. President Obumbler and the Euroweenies favorite terrorist, 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen threatened on Sunday to murder 'Palestinians' who sell land to the evil Joooos. He also bragged about how with the help of their allies in the West, the 'Palestinians' have gotten the Jooos to negotiate against themselves.

In a speech to the Revolutionary Council, Machmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said that Palestinians have not moved from their basic positions since 1988, while Israel has began to talk about a state with temporary borders.

He also said the PA would pursue Arabs who sell land to Jews.

Is anyone in the Knesset listening? What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: But of course: 'Moderate' Fatah to murder land sellers

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