Sunday 3 January 2010

Israel Matzav: MK's to swear loyalty oath?

MK's to swear loyalty oath?

Haaretz is in a tizzy because Yisrael Beiteinu MK David Rotem has introduced a bill that would require Knesset members to swear loyalty to the State of Israel as a "Jewish and democratic state" instead of the current formulation, which calls for swearing loyalty to "the State of Israel and its laws."

"Anyone who saw and heard recently remarks made be MKs [Taleb] A-Sana and [Jamal] Zehalka," he said, "who vilified the defense minister and allowed the biggest enemy of the State of Israel to speak to the public via a mobile phone owned by the Knesset and the state, understands intuitively that there is a need to bring MKs to be loyal to the state."

Rotem was referring to a rally, held Thursday, during which Israeli Arabs gathered at the Israeli side of the border with Gaza and heard a speech delivered by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh through A-Sana's mobile phone. During the demonstration, Zehalka said that Defense Minister Ehud Barak "enjoys classical music and killing children in Gaza."

"The bill, on the Knesset's agenda," Rotem continued, "seeks to ensure that MKs are loyal to Israel as a Jewish state. Anyone who doesn't want to be loyal will kindly refrain from being an MK."

Haaretz is concerned that the new formulation will 'marginalize' the 'Israeli Arab' MK's.


Israel Matzav: MK's to swear loyalty oath?#

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