Sunday 3 January 2010

Israel Matzav: How Europe salves its Holocaust guilt

How Europe salves its Holocaust guilt

The JPost examines the popularity in Europe of anti-Zionist Holocaust survivors - mostly Hedy Epstein who is not a Holocaust survivor - and concludes that their popularity derives from Europeans' desire to salve their own guilt over the Holocaust.

The Shoah as a cynical form of moral shock therapy for Diaspora Jewry and Israelis remains a ubiquitous bully club to pit a clique of anti-Israeli Jews against the mainstream European Jewish community.

Epstein told The Jerusalem Post last week that "when people are suffering it comes upon the rest of us to do whatever we can."

The pressing question for the critics of Epstein's human rights activism is, why are she and other activists not engaging in a hunger strike for persecuted Iranians risking their lives for democracy on the streets of the Islamic Republic? Where are the hunger strikes opposing the Islamist Sudanese government-sponsored genocide against its black population in the Darfur region?

The media appeal of catapulting Epstein into a poster girl for criticizing Israel's right to self-defense in Gaza resonates with a European audience starved for moral exoneration because of its complicity in the crimes of the Holocaust.

That's actually not a pressing question for the critics - it's a question for Epstein herself and her allies.

Please note this from the article:

The US State Department and the European Union both define parallels between Nazi Germany and Israel as a form of modern anti-Semitism.


The picture at the top is a Neturei Karta member kissing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the latter's Holocaust denial conference. In a disgusting display, which I refuse to link, four members of Neturei Karta spent the Sabbath in 'a Gaza hotel' (possibly the Gush Katif hotel that was left to the Hamas terrorists after all Gaza's Jews were expelled four and a half years ago. The JPost this morning featured pictures of these despicable excuses for Jews wearing Goldstone kafiyah's around their necks.

Those who would destroy us continue to come from within.

Israel Matzav: How Europe salves its Holocaust guilt

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