Monday 11 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Israel to build fence on Egyptian border

Israel to build fence on Egyptian border

Israel has decided to fence off its border with Egypt in a bid to keep out weapons, terrorists, prostitutes and refugees from African countries who sneak across the border and change our country's security situation and social fabric.

Netanyahu said Israel would "remain open to refugees" from conflict zones but added, "we cannot let tens of thousands of illegal workers infiltrate into Israel through the southern border and inundate our country with illegal aliens."

The barrier will not be erected along the whole border, and advanced surveillance equipment will help border control officers to spot infiltrators.

Two segments will be built in the plan's first phase, one near the southern city of Eilat and the other near Israel's border with the Gaza Strip.

Let's hope this one goes more smoothly than the 'security fence' in Judea and Samaria has gone.

YNet adds:

Netanyahu was quoted as saying that the whole of Israel would be surrounded by a fence eventually.


According to police estimates, some 100-200 illegal aliens infiltrate into Israel each week through the border with Egypt. Some of them come as labor immigrants, while the rest are defined as "criminal elements" and refugees from Africa.

Interior Minister Yishai emphasized the urgency of the problem, noting that the refugees constitute a "social time bomb," particularly in the light of the social conditions in some Israeli towns such as Tel Aviv, Arad and Eilat which have absorbed many refugees. The problem is compounded by the criminal problem of human trafficking.

You would have thought they would have dealt with this problem a long time ago. Maybe now it will be cleaned up.

Israel Matzav: Israel to build fence on Egyptian border

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