Monday 11 January 2010

Israel Matzav: Good news: Arabs to adopt 'no fly rule' to the US

Good news: Arabs to adopt 'no fly rule' to the US

A Saudi preacher has called for Arab countries to adopt a 'no fly rule' to the US in response to President Obama's designation of the nationals of 14 mostly Arab countries for extra tender loving care at the security counter.

A noted Saudi preacher has called on Arabs to stop flying to the United States, in protest of “enhanced screening” procedures aimed at catching terrorists, the Dubai business website reported.

Muslim preacher Sheikh Sulaiman al Dowaish has urged Saudi authorities to consider the travel ban following an announcement by the United States that “enhanced screening" measures will be put into place for passengers from 14 countries, including Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry has asked the Obama administration for clarifications regarding the new security measures. Officials said the oil-rich kingdom would not tolerate security procedures that tarnish the honor and dignity of Saudis.

The website noted that 22,000 students from Saudi Arabia are learning at American universities.

Saudi security researcher Sultan Al Anqari blasted the new U.S. regulation, telling that the Obama government is resorting to a form of political blackmail against Saudi Arabia because of the country’s anti-Israeli policies.

The Saudis conveniently forget the nationality of 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11.

Meanwhile, some of those Saudi students who are studying at American universities are whining about the enhanced security they encountered while returning to school after Christmas. The US should put them all on a one-way flight back to Riyadh.

Israel Matzav: Good news: Arabs to adopt 'no fly rule' to the US

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