Tuesday 22 December 2009

Love of the Land: LA Times Op-Ed Calls For Dismantlement of Jewish State

LA Times Op-Ed Calls For Dismantlement of Jewish State

Tamar Sternthal
21 December 09

In the past, the Los Angeles Times marked Israel's birthday with an Op-Ed calling for its dismantlement via the so-called "one-state solution." The paper didn't bother to wait for the spring anniversary of the Jewish state's founding, presenting its readers yesterday with another call for a "one-state solution." Jonathan Kuttab's Dec. 20, 2009 Op-Ed ("Steps to Create Israel-Palestine"), like earlier pieces by Saree Makdisi (here and here) and Tony Judt which called for the destruction of the Jewish state, rests on a number of basic factual errors and faulty assumptions.

From the Mediterranean to the Jordan River

Kuttab, a Palestinian attorney and activist, begins by fabricating: "With Israel in total control of the territory from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River and unwilling to relinquish a significant part of the land . . . "
In fact, between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River lies the Gaza Strip which is fully under the control of Hamas—not Israel. Moreover, 40 percent of the West Bank is under the control of the Palestinian Authority. As for Israel's alleged "unwillingness to relinquish a significant part of the land," last week Ha'aretz published a detailed report and a map showing Ehud Olmert's unprecedented offer to Mahmoud Abbas.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: LA Times Op-Ed Calls For Dismantlement of Jewish State

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