Tuesday 22 December 2009

Love of the Land: The Forensics File

The Forensics File

Honest Reporting/Backspin
21 December 09

Western papers are picking up on this video aired on Israeli Channel 2 featuring an admission that personnel at Israel's Institute of Forensic Medicine (better known as simply Abu Kabir) harvested organs from Israelis and Palestinians without permission from the families.

The video was made in 2000 by Nancy Sheppard-Hughes, an anthropology professor at U. California-Berkeley, who was doing research there. According to AP, the professor released the video now because of the continuing controversy surrounding Donald Bostrom's Swedish blood libel claiming the IDF killed Palestinians for their organs.

To its credit, The Guardian's coverage of the new video carefully noted:

However, there was no evidence that Israel had killed Palestinians to take their organs, as the Swedish paper reported.

Abu Kabir is a civilian institution overseen by the Ministry of Health, and Dr. Yehuda Hiss and his staff have a lot to answer for.

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Love of the Land: The Forensics File

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