Thursday 26 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Iran threatens to sue Russia over S-300

Iran threatens to sue Russia over S-300

Iran is threatening to sue Russia for failing to deliver the S-300 anti-missile system that Iran wants to protect its nuclear facilities.

"The Russians, surely under the pressure of the Zionist lobby and America, refuse to fulfill their commitments," the official IRNA news agency quoted Brigadier General Mohammad Hassan Mansourian as saying.

"And because this is an official agreement it can be pursued through international legal bodies," said Mansourian, who is deputy head of Iran's air defenses.

Good luck with that.

Iranian officials say the country can produce a S-300-style system by itself, if Russia does not deliver it. Iranian media say a new anti-aircraft defense system will be tested during war games this week.

As they say in Missouri, show me.


Israel Matzav: Iran threatens to sue Russia over S-300

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