Thursday 26 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Hezbullah official, son-in-law indicted on weapons charges in US

Hezbullah official, son-in-law indicted on weapons charges in US

A Hezbullah official and his son-in-law have been indicted in Philadelphia on charges of trying to smuggle 1200 machine guns to Hezbullah in Lebanon via Syria.

Hassan Hodroj and Dib Hani Harb, both of Beirut, were among four men accused of conspiring to support Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shiite group with close ties to Iran and Syria that is on the State Department's list of terrorist groups, U.S. Attorney Michael L. Levy of Philadelphia said.

Harb, Moussa Ali Hamdan of Brooklyn and Hasan Antar Karaki of Beirut were also charged with seeking to funnel to Hezbollah counterfeit money and stolen cash generated by the sale of phony passports, with Hamdan acting as a U.S.-based conduit to a confidential government witness based in Philadelphia.

Hodroj was identified in court documents as a member of Hezbollah's political council and has been identified in news reports as spokesman and head of its Palestinian issues portfolio. None of the four is in U.S. custody and all are believed to be overseas, said Patricia Hartman, spokeswoman for Levy.

The six others indicted Tuesday allegedly formed a criminal smuggling ring that trafficked in purportedly stolen goods, including cellphones, Sony PlayStation 2 video game systems, automobiles and fake Nike tennis shoes.

Hezbullah has a presence in the US? Someone had better call Eric Holder and tell him. Hezbullah's political wing is involved in smuggling? Someone had better call Hillary Clinton and tell her.

What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Hezbullah official, son-in-law indicted on weapons charges in US

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