Friday 7 August 2009

Open Letter to the United Church of Canada from the Jewish Defence League of Canada

Open Letter to the United Church of Canada from the Jewish Defence League of Canada

August 06, 2009.

To whom it may concern:

The United Church of Canada, will be voting on four anti-Jewish / Israel resolutions at its 40th General Council in Kelowna, British Columbia, August 9-15, 2009. The meetings take place on the campus of the University of British Columbia - Okanogan.

The four resolutions call for a "comprehensive boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions at the national and international levels" and refer to the recent assault on Gaza as a "visible reminder of the ongoing Israeli regime of exclusion, violence and dehumanization directed against Palestinians."

It is suggested that Israel was "built mainly on land ethnically cleansed of its Palestinian owners," and makes reference to the effectiveness of boycotts when dealing with state-sponsored racial discrimination and violence, as was the case in South Africa.

In the past few years, anti Jewish / Israel groups have attempted to infiltrate Canadian Organizations in order to vilify Israel and the Jewish People. Please read the following shocking information from the Ottawa Citizen May 8, 2007:

Canadian antiwar activists sat down with terror groups…

“Canadian activists were out in force at a recent conference in Cairo that sought to forge closer links between the international antiwar movement and Islamic resistance groups, including several on Canada's terrorism list.”

There is an obvious agenda. I urge all supporters of the United Church of Canada to reject the anti Jewish / Israel motions at your conference and rather than allow the name of your organization to be used as a platform to vilify the Jewish State (the only democratic and diverse nation in the entire middle east) it would be more appropriate to recognize the major contributions that Israel has made in the fields of technology, medicine and improvements in world health.

Thank you,

Meir Weinstein,

National Director, Jewish Defence League of Canada

taken from B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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