Friday 7 August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Lawfare' reaches the masses?

'Lawfare' reaches the masses?

'Lawfare' is a form of warfare waged by using the nascent field of international law to attack an opponent on moral grounds: "international law warfare (seizing the earliest opportunity to set up regulations), etc." Lawfare is used against Israel by NGO's and countries that favor the 'Palestinians.' Until now, however, lawfare has mostly been used against high-ranking IDF officers. In South Africa, at least, that may be about to change.

Two pro-'Palestinian' NGO's in South Africa are seeking the arrest of some 70 IDF soldiers who hold both South African and Israeli citizenship - what are known as dual citizens - for alleged 'war crimes' committed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. And while this article discusses one high-ranking officer who is currently in South Africa, it ought to be clear to everyone that among 70 soldiers there are likely many who are not officers.
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Israel Matzav: 'Lawfare' reaches the masses?

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