Monday 3 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Why the Arabs can't accept a Jewish state

Why the Arabs can't accept a Jewish state

Prime Minister Netanyahu has demanded that the Arabs accept Israel as a Jewish state. That's a demand that the Arabs are incapable of accepting - ever. Mordechai Kedar explains why.

Thus, according to Islam, the State of Israel is not legitimate. From a religious point of view, Judaism is void. The Jewish nation is an invention of the Zionist movement. The land called "Israel" is considered Islamic Waqf land, consecrated for Muslims.

Netanyahu's insistence on recognition of the state as a Jewish nation-state contradicts the Islamic faith, and questions the very essence of Islam, whose relevance is based on the invalidity of Judaism (and Christianity as well).

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Israel Matzav: Why the Arabs can't accept a Jewish state

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