Monday 3 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Americans becoming more skeptical about Iran?

Americans becoming more skeptical about Iran?

Could it be that the Obama administration is finally awakening to the reality that 'engagement' is not going to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon? That's what Amos Harel argues in Haaretz.

The Iranian issue dominated this week's visits by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and National Security Adviser James Jones. At first, the Americans had hoped to open a dialogue with Iran in September and conduct a review of this policy toward the end of the year. However, Iran has so far refused to even agree on beginning a dialogue, which might accelerate the schedule: The reassessment will be conducted earlier than planned, and thus sanctions might also be able to commence sooner. The U.S. is well aware that Iran is progressing, and that by mid-2010, it may pass another critical milestone, that of being able to detonate a nuclear device for the first time

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Israel Matzav: Americans becoming more skeptical about Iran?

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