Monday 6 July 2009

Issues of Racism at York University

Issues of Racism at York University

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Attention President M. Shoukri,

I am very concerned about recent statements from some of the members of York University's "Task Force on Campus Racism". Barbara Kay reported in The National Post July 1 issue, [ As staunchly anti-Islamist Tarek Fatah reported here: "While one VP of the Canadian Arab Federation was throwing insults at Canada, another Vice President of CAF was on cable TV showering praise on the discredited leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Appearing on a Muslim cable TV show, Ali Mallah endorsed the election of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad as valid, and echoed the official line of the Tehran regime, claiming Western governments and Western Media were to blame for the current unrest in Iran. "]

According to "Students United Against Racism" web site, one of the Task Force Members listed is Ali Mallah and this is how they describe him:
Ali Mallah
Ali Mallah has served on the Board of Directors of the Urban Alliance on Race Relations for two terms. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Social Justice (including having served one term as Treasurer). Ali has represented the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Canadian Peace Alliance at International Conferences in the USA, UK and Egypt. He is currently the Ontario Vice-President of the Canadian Arab Federation.

According to this short bio, Ali Mallah "represented the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Canadian Peace Alliance at International Conferences in...Egypt." The conference in Egypt was sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood Organization and reported Antiwar group backs working with Mideast radicals in the Ottawa Citizen May 9 2007. "Ali Mallah, who represented the Canadian Arab Federation, the Canadian Union of Public Employees and two antiwar groups, said Canadian delegates "made a very important contribution" in Cairo."

I would like to meet with you and your Board of Directors to discuss ways to improve the York University "Task Force on Campus Racism". Please contact me at 416-736-7000 or

Thank you,

Meir Weinstein National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada
taken from B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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