Monday 6 July 2009

DoubleTapper: IDF Service In Israel

IDF Service In Israel

The IDF is built on a three-tiered system based on the Swiss model, consisting of a permanent standing force of career soldiers augmented by universal conscription and backed by a large pool of trained reservists (former conscripts who are called annually for reserve duty).

Army service is a core element in the average citizen's life: compulsory service generally begins at age 18 and lasts for 3 years for males (in the 1950's it was 5 years), 2 years for females, and a minimum of 4 years for officers. Those who subsequently choose to become members of the permanent standing army become "permanent" soldiers. For the rest however, after release from compulsory service there remain years of reserve service - originally from age 21 to 55; now to 45.

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DoubleTapper: IDF Service In Israel

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