Wednesday 29 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Israel, Honduras and Obama

Israel, Honduras and Obama

David Solway draws some uneasy parallels between Israel and Honduras, and how they are being treated by the United States in the Age of Obama.

We now know that deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was deeply implicated in acts attempting to overturn the Constitution governing the civil society of Honduras and replace it with a left-wing populist dictatorship in all but name. On July 17, 2009, the Honduran daily La Tribuna revealed that government computers containing results for an illegal referendum yet to be held had been confiscated in a building adjacent to the Presidential palace (Pajamas Media, July 21, 2009). There can be no disputing that Zelaya was plotting a coup d’etat that would have brought Honduras into the socialist camp of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

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Israel Matzav: Israel, Honduras and Obama

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