Wednesday 29 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Clinton redefines 'going nuclear'

Clinton redefines 'going nuclear'

Picking up on comments that Secretary of State Clinton made about North Korea on Sunday's Meet the Press, the Washington Times suggests that Clinton may be re-defining what 'going nuclear' means in a way that will allow the Obama administration further leeway in pretending that Iran is not a nuclear power.

Asked by NBC's David Gregory if the effort to keep North Korea from going nuclear had failed, Mrs. Clinton answered, "No, I don't think so, because their program is still at the beginning stages." In other words, two nuclear tests and a stockpile of seven or eight nuclear weapons are no longer enough to join the club. Tough luck Pyongyang, you've been blackballed

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Israel Matzav: Clinton redefines 'going nuclear'

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