Saturday 27 June 2009

Parshas Korach: Korach

Parshas Korach: Korach’s Flaw


The primary event in this week’s parshah is the revolt that is held against Moshe and Aharon. Led by a man named Korach, the rebellion stemmed from jealousy towards Moshe and Aharon because of their elevated status among the nation (Moshe was the nation’s leader and Aharon was the high priest). The following verse depicts Korach’s statement to Moshe and Aharon:

“… the entire assembly ¾ all of them ¾ are holy and Hashem (God) is among them, so why do you exalt yourselves over the congregation of Hashem?” [Numbers: 16: 3]

Korach believed that every individual in the entire nation was on the same spiritual plane, and that no one should be more privileged than anyone else. At first glance, his logic seems well in place. Everybody in the nation does have his or her part to play and no one should be considered superior in any way. But from the great divine punishment that befell these rebels, it is clear that Korach’s argument was indeed flawed. So what was the root of his error?

A Midrash (inherited teachings of Moses from Sinai) on this week’s parshah reveals different statements that Korach exclaimed towards Moshe as he was sparking the revolt. Korach used two different examples that conveyed the same message, intending to embarrass Moshe’s level of knowledge and, ultimately, his capability of leadership:

Korach asked Moshe “Consider a cloak made entirely of Tcheilet (See footnote); does the cloak require that one puts Tzitzit on it?” When Moshe responded “yes”, Korach laughed at him saying, “Regarding a cloak of a different type of material, placing only one thread of Tcheilet exempts it from the obligation of Tzitzit. This one, which is made entirely of Tcheilet, should it not exempt itself!?”

Korach then asked Moshe “A room full of Torah scrolls; does it require a Mezuzah (See footnote)?” Again, when Moshe answered “yes”, Korach laughed and said with amusement “Regarding an empty room, only one small parchment containing a few verses from the Torah is needed at its doorpost to exempt it from the commandment of Mezuzah. A room filled with scrolls containing the entire Torah, should it not exempt itself!?”

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Parshas Korach: Korach’s Flaw

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