Saturday 27 June 2009

Jewish Defence League Parsha and Weekly Update

Jewish Defence League Parsha and Weekly Update

This weeks Torah Parsha is Korach.

And Moshe said to Korach, “Listen please, son of Levi! Is it a small thing that the G-d of Israel distinguished you to sacrifice to Him and to perform the work of the Temple of HASHEM, and to stand before the congregation as their servant, and He brought you close and all your brothers, the children of Levi and you also quest the Kehuna (priesthood)? (Bamidbar 16:8-10) The evil inclination is likened to a fly… (Brochos 61A)

How could such a great man as Korach could have fallen so far so quickly? He was endowed with extraordinary wealth and charisma. How could he have allowed himself to be brought literally over the edge? Let us pause to appreciate just how fatal a flaw can be.

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The Anti Jewish/Israel Conference sponsored by York University is over. The JDL led the battle and has received wide spread support. It was important to expose and confront this hate fest. I had an opportunity to speak with some of the 'Jewish' speakers from the conference. The main issue or shall we say, "fatal flaw" in their presentation is their eagerness to internalize and accept the false Arab claims of a 'Palestine Nation'. The false Arab claim is that some 400,000 - 600,000 'Palestinians' lived in a 'Palestine Nation' for thousands of years and the 'Palestinian' birth rate was not high. The truth is that there was no 'Palestine Nation' and that the Arab Population in the Land of Israel was extremely small. When the Zionist Project started in the 1880's, jobs were created and Arabs immigrated for work. As a result of a huge Arab birth rate, the Zionist Movement leaders agreed to accept a Jewish State in a small part of the Land of Israel, which was discussed in the Peel Commission of 1937. The Arab Settlers and Arab Countries would not agree to a small Jewish State.

The words 'Occupation' and 'Settlers' must be explained. The truth must be presented. Those that fall for the false Arab narrative of history, view the Hezbollah and Hamas as resisting 'occupation'. And that 'occupation' is the lands as discussed from the Peel Commission of 1937.

Why is Sderot being fired upon? Because it is seen as 'occupied' land.

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The Jewish Defence League first learned of the anti-Jewish/Israel conference in October and discovered that a former President of the Canadian Jewish Congress was on the 'advisory' board and we spoke with him about the true intentions of the conference:

"Fight Bad Speech With Good Speech" -- Prof. Ed Morgan:

“My problem is that each of these conferences has demonstrated that, contrary to my preferred self-image, I can occasionally be wrong.”…

The organizers then tried to persuade the main legal advisor for the B'Nai Brith Canada to be a listed speaker on their web site. And so, David Matas's name appeared for a brief while and then was removed because we alerted him about the dangers of this conference. We warned all major Jewish groups and Jewish scholars about the danger of this conference. And the result was a Jewish Community united against this hate fest. This conference was exposed and confronted.

“JDL objects to ‘Israel/Palestine’ conference at York” -- The Canadian Jewish News

“The Jewish Defence League said it plans to hold weekly demonstrations at York University to protest an upcoming two-day conference called Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace.”…

“JDL gets traction” - JBlog Central - The Jewish Blog Network

“The JDL, under Meir Weinstein, started a campaign six months ago to shut down the conference. His complaint was that it didn’t have a balanced agenda but was meant to demonize Israel and replace it with a bi-national state. He pointed out to the Government of Canada who had been duped into funding the conference its true nature. I am very happy to say he is getting traction.”…

“Second Guessing a Conference” - Inside Higher Ed

“Meir Weinstein, national director of the Jewish Defence League of Canada, which has led the charge against the conference, said the event's advisory committee was full of academics whom he called "viciously anti-Israel." He said he believes the conference is "camouflaging" its true intentions, even though a formal statement about the event notes it will not tolerate "anti-Semitism nor any other form of racism." …

“Emerging from the wreckage” - The Globe and Mail

"York University deserves to be punished because it has allowed a proliferation of hate on campus, " says Meir Weinstein, national director of the Jewish Defence League of Canada.”…

“Panel addresses anti-Israel ‘crisis’ on campus” - The Canadian Jewish News

“Crisis on Canadian Campuses, a June 11 panel discussion sponsored by the Jewish Defence League of Canada and hosted by Chabad Lubavitch, was held in advance of a two-day conference called Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace.”…

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The Jewish Defence League will use the summer months to grow and expand our influence. It is important that chapters be established across Canada. Join the Jewish Defence League now as we continue to build, educate, confront and expose the many threats to our people. Stay focused on the Jewish Truth and never give in to the lies of our many foes.

Please …

Join us every Monday evening for our discussion and ideology classes at the Toronto Zionist Center 788 Marlee Avenue 8:00 pm.

Tuesday evening security classes has been cancelled for the next two weeks.

For more information


*New* Blog:


With Love of Israel,

Meir Weinstein, National Director

Jewish Defence League of Canada

**Please sign and forward this petition that calls upon the Government of Canada to withdraw sponsorship of York University's anti Israel Conference.

taken from B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

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