Monday 22 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

Writing in Sunday's Times of London, Iranian ex-pat Amir Taheri points out how much of Iran's religious establishment is opposed to the high handed tactics of Ayatollah Ali Khameni (pictured) and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

On Friday, the 20% democratic part disappeared, as Iran was transformed from an Islamic republic into an Islamic emirate headed by the Emir al-Momeneen (Commander of the Faithful) Ali Khamenei. As Iranians marched in the street in support of more freedom and democracy, Khamenei served notice that he was determined to lead the country in the opposite direction.

Read All at:

Israel Matzav: Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

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