Monday 22 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Canada opening its courts to terror victims

Canada opening its courts to terror victims

The Canadian government has introduced legislation that will allow Canadian terror victims to sue terror organizations and rogue states in Canadian courts.

On June 2, the government introduced the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act, which will, among other things, permit Canadians to sue foreign states that support terrorists.

The announcement followed a five-year campaign by the Canadian Coalition Against Terror, which consists of victims of the 1985 Air India bombings, 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. If the law makes it through Parliament, Dr. Wise said she might be among those seeking compensation for the act of political violence that left her unable to return to work for more than a decade.

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Israel Matzav: Canada opening its courts to terror victims

1 comment:

  1. Nice and effective way how to scare them a bit. Finally people like Galloway will be stopped and will face the consequences of supporting terrorist organizations with their money. Nice move!

    Take care, Elli
